Windy Thoughts

Let me tell you, it’s weird not having a prompt to write about every time I think about writing now. Everything just seems so wrong about it, like my thoughts weren’t organized properly before. That there was no focus or theme to make any entry unified, which was something pointed out by one reader that I had never realized before. Of course, I always view my entries as my entries and that means that I can write whatever I like. So today, I’d like to share brief thoughts from my weekend in Chicago.

Having been to Chicago, I know there’s always more to do that I haven’t before, but I love discovering those things.

Like kayaking the Chicago river.
Or the Lincoln Park Zoo.
Fresh microbrews at Piece Pizzeria.
Tailgating a Sox game.
And singing karaoke in Chinatown.

It’s especially fine to do these things with people new to the Chicago area, because, like all great trips, having a few fresh pairs of eyes opens the world anew.

However, my favorite part of the whole trip was the blink of an eye where our brown line train slipped between two buildings to reveal the set of Transformers 3.
Overturned and smashed cars.
And somewhere deep inside the bowels of the Hollywood Machine manifest in the Windy City, my favorite my-ager: Shia Labouf.

Just the idea that I was that near someone famous. Oooh, I hope it rubbed off on me.

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